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Thomasian triumphs in España Intervarsity

(Bolo Sison Pascual (right), an alumnus of the University of Santo Tomas (UST), and Aloysius Bresnan (left) from the University of the Philippines-Manila (UPM) triumphed the España Intervarsity held last October 28-31. Photo by Mildred Mira, Dapitan Post.)

An alumnus from the University of Santo Tomas (UST) and his partner from the University of the Philippines-Manila (UPM) snatched this year’s championship in España Intervarsity, a three-day national debate tournament held st UST on October 28 to 30.

Thomasian Political Science graduate Bolo Sison Pascual and his teammate Aloysius Bresnan bested 78 other teams in the competition.

Pascual said good teamwork was necessary to succeed in the debate competition.

“Luckily, my teammate, Aloy, knows how to incorporate my random thoughts into our caseline strategically. I feel that our team dynamics trumped our worries at the end,” he said in an online interview with the Dapitan Post.

Aside from winning the championship, both of them received individual awards--Bresnan was awarded overall best speaker while Pascual garnered third.

Thomasians Jonathan Austria and Roselie Mari Villaflor were named sixth best speaker and 10th best judge, respectively.

Four other teams from the University made it to the octofinals, the phase in the competition listing the top 32 teams proceeding to the finals rounds.

Active debate community

Pascual emphasized the importance of having an active debate community in the country as it looks into how people analyze discussions from both sides of the problem to come up with a solution.

“When we, as people, listen to [both] sides of a debate, it helps us generate ideas to solve problems,” he said.

“Debate isn’t always about who is wrong or right. It is also about how we forward our discourse intelligently,” he added.

He also said debate allows people to be aware of their difference in biases and freedom in exchange of ideas.

“It is important for people to discuss and debate about policies [...] because it open[s] our minds and let[s] us notice our bias and prejudices,” Pascual said.

“If we get to talk as people, listening authentically to all sides, we get a fighting chance to continue living as a free society,” he added.

The competition used the British Parliamentary style and was organized by the Thomasian Debaters’ Council (TDC). MILDRED MIRA

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